Holder.Finance Presale Details

Wault Launchpad’s third presale of Holder.Finance’s HFS token is coming soon. Below, we’ll outline what you need to know about Holder.Finance and the presale process in order to gain access to this exclusive offer.
Presale Procedure
The whitelisting application form will be online at 3PM UTC on Monday, May 3rd, 2021. and will remain open for the following 72 hours, until 3PM UTC on Thursday, May 6th, 2021.
-> Apply here: https://forms.gle/VSNaoAibdSuYSEKr7
This presale will only be available to WAULT and WAULTx token holders who are staking their tokens in our 30-Day WAULT or WAULTx Locked Staking Pool, and the 30-Day WAULT/BNB LP Locked Staking Pool, as long as they whitelist through the above form. Everyone who owns and stakes WAULT or WAULTx can receive an allocation spot, but the maximum allocated amounts will vary based on the total number of qualifying submissions for whitelisting.
-> Stake here: https://app.wault.finance/#locked-staking
The more people that apply, the lower the minimum 1x allocation will be. However, you can gain up to 24x allocation depending on how many tokens you own. For this presale, locked token amounts in the 30-Day WAULT and WAULTx Locked Staking Pool can be combined for one allocation. So for example, if you have 200 WAULT in its 30-Day Locked Staking Pool, and 50 000 WAULTx in its 30-Day Locked Staking Pool, that would add up to allocation for 200 + 50 = 250 WAULT. (1 WAULT = 1000 WAULTx)
You can find more details on how the allocation multipliers work here: https://waultfinance.medium.com/updates-to-wault-pools-and-launchpad-tiers-d800f46f1034
Once the whitelisting form closes on Thursday, over the following 48 hours, we will do two random snapshots of our Locked Staking Pools, verifying how many tokens you are staking.
On Saturday, May 8th, we will release the list of whitelisted addresses along with all the allocations.
At 3PM UTC on Sunday, May 9th, the Holder.Finance presale will open on our LaunchPad at Wault.Finance. You’ll be able to purchase tokens up to your individual max allocations via our website below:
There will be a hardcap of 200k BUSD but there will be an allocation of 220k BUSD to avoid under-subscription. That also means that to a degree, it will be first come first serve. Only the first 200k BUSD for the hardcap will get filled. Once it’s filled, no more presale purchases of HFS will be possible. The presale price will be 2 BUSD for 1 HFS.
At 5PM UTC on Sunday, May 9th, 2021, HFS will list on PancakeSwap. The Listing Price will be 2.25 BUSD for 1 HFS. The seed LPs for HFS-BUSD will be locked for 2 months so that later on to be migrated on Wswap and HolderSwap.
Tokenomics for HFS
280 388 tokens initial circulating supply
Total Supply
3.33% — Presale (100 000)
2.06% — LGE (61 500)
2.96% — PancakeSwap Liquidity (88 888 HFS = 199 998 BUSD)
1.66% — PancakeSwap Airdrop (50 000)
36.67% — Platform Minting (1 100 000)
3.49% — Marketing Fund/Listing Reserve (104 612)
2% — Ambassador Program (60 000)
47.83% — Farming Program (1 435 000)
This will be LaunchPad’s third presale. Since the last two with SWIRL and EULER had huge ROIs for our investors, and Holder.Finance is providing some very valuable utility to DeFi, we’re very excited for this one. Plus, of course, everyone knows the third time’s a charm. So don’t miss this opportunity to get in at presale prices!
Learn more about Holder Finance:
Website: https://holder.finance/
Telegram: https://t.me/Holder_Finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HolderFinance
Blog: https://blog.holder.finance/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3tpr3kt687StbbsSAwJl7w